Meet Miss Vizcaya Swimwear 2014, Amber Griggs!

In 2013, 16 hand-selected models competed for the cover of the 2014 Vizcaya Swimwear calendar. Amber Griggs, of Charlottesville, VA, won the competition and the title of Miss Vizcaya Swimwear 2014. An internationally published model, Amber is very established in the industry! We took some time to catch up with Amber and interview on being a model, Miss Vizcaya Swimwear, and her future plans. 


Amber's Favorite...

Color: Turquoise
Book: Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
Food: Spicy Thai!
Workout: Boxing or Pilates
Vizcaya Bikini: Seychelles Samba Print with Limoncello bottoms


You are very beautiful! What is your ethnicity? It's funny I'm actually a bunch of things. I'm Cherokee, French, Irish and Welsh. Sometimes I'm mistaken for Italian. I wish!

How did you start modeling? I used to do photography and I really wanted to see what it was like from the other side of the camera. I just ended up loving it too much to quit!

Do you have any advice for models who are just starting out? Do your research & never compromise your personal beliefs. Nothing is worth it in this industry if you aren't happy. There will be hardship and rejection but if you find the right people and you love what you do it's totally worth it.

We know you have been published all over the world in major publications! What's next for you? I want to travel a lot more and eventually start my own beach-inspired clothing company.

What's your favorite thing about being a Vizcaya Swimwear model? I love being involved with such a fresh new company. It's exciting. The possibilities for growth and adventure really are endless. Their success is inspiring and motivates me to work hard at what I want.

What advice would you give to your successor, Miss Vizcaya Swimwear 2015? Stay involved throughout your year with Vizcaya. It will open so many doors for you. Not only for the future with Vizcaya but with anything you do. Lisa Opie is amazingly talented and inspirational! It will be a wild and exciting ride! Good luck!

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? Settled in getting my company underway. I hope to be well-traveled and excited to see more. Shortly thereafter I hope to be planning marriage and a family. But not too soon!


Keep up with Amber!
Instagram @amberdiann
Twitter @theamberdiann